Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Racial Assimilation of Black Community in the Mainstream American Essay

Racial Assimilation of Black Community in the Mainstream American Society - Essay Example This paper highlights that the blacks needed to overcome the racial divide maintained by the whites, within the society and their aggressive attitude and flagrant disregard for the niceties brought them into the forefront of socio-political field.  Mere recruitment of the black students in the white dominated colleges was not sufficient for their effective assimilation within the white population. While their campus life may have reduced racial divide, outside the campus, the color of the skin played a major role in their social status. The violence within the campus and the defiant stance of the BSU did pave way to the fulfillment of their demands to ‘established a black studies program, and recruited black faculty and staff in 1969†¦ between 1968 to 1972, more than five hundred black students programs, department, curricula and libraries were established across the nation’.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Kite Runner Essay Example for Free

The Kite Runner Essay When one makes the transition from child to adult, they must make the decision to either adopt the traits they have developed, or to see fault and change the problems before the time to do so has past. It takes strength to use the positive traits one possesses, and it takes even more strength to assess the negative traits and emancipate the positive ones. Alan Alda (American actor) once said that â€Å"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What youll discover will be wonderful. What youll discover is yourself. † Before death, a person needs to break their boundaries, and find the security of knowing their identity, otherwise one could go through an entire life, learning all they could about life; but forgetting all about their self. Another key factor influencing our personality is our environment. A society constantly changing for the worse is no place for a person to grow or reside. In Khaled Hosseini’s â€Å"the Kite Runner†, Afghanistan is a place of ethnic differentiation, civil war and darkness. Amir, Baba, and Hassan’s identities, are all examples of different ways a person’s personality and conscience could develop in this oppressive time in Afghanistan’s history. Amir finds peace in who he is through great mental anguish and dangerous decisions, Baba’s weak traits are discovered, and Hassan manages to preserve his Good Samaritan lifestyle whilst fighting off the turmoil’s of being a Hazara boy. The Kite Runner focuses mainly on the themes of identity and self-actualization. Amir from the beginning of the novel was never perfect in the eyes of his father, Baba. During Rahim Khans visit early in the story, Amir overhears Baba speaking about how Amir is weak and disappointing, that â€Å"a boy who cannot stand up for himself becomes a man who cannot stand up for anything. †(24) This is an important quote, because it first introduces Amir’s most dominant trait through his childhood, his cowardice. Baba’s reluctance to praise Amir stems from Baba’s disbelief in his courage. Amir quite often was defended by Hassan in times of trouble, whether the cause was Assef or not. Then when it was Hassan who was in need, Amir was over shrouded by his fear. Amir had felt guilt until his arrival in Pakistan. â€Å"â€Å"That was a long time ago, but it’s wrong what they say about the past, I’ve learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years. † (1) Amir made the decision to save Sohrab from the Taliban (Assef) was the moment in his life, where he finally felt at peace. Saving Sohrab was his way of gaining up the courage to save Hassan. After the rescue of Sohrab, Amir’s conscience had cleared and he could finally live his life. Amir’s passion for literature was another example of his self-actualization. He would always read to Hassan, due to Hassan’s illiteracy. Amir wished in the future to pursue a degree in English, but this idea was hastily dismissed by Baba and Amir began growing to a man with even less confidence. Amir pondered the thoughts of his father resenting him, which at a young age is a terrible burden for him to hold. The evidence of this hate was displayed in Amir’s face, and as a young child, he is not intelligent enough to realize his father’s love, and it bothered him greatly. Rahim Khan seemed to be the only adult in Amir’s life who supported the idea of his future in literature. He would read, and show great interest in Amir’s story’s; as well as instill hope in Amir with positive feedback. Rahim Khan was the spark that ignited the ever burning flame of Amir’s literary passion. To the reader early on, Baba is the epitome of a man. He is introduced as a man that will stand up for his loved ones, whether it’s a life or death situation. He speaks of Amir like he has no courage whatsoever, which gives the reader some idea of how much Baba values doing the right thing. When Baba and Amir flee Kabul, Baba risks his life to prevent the rape of a woman he doesn’t even know. This drastic act of courage and compassion for his fellow man is inspiring and sets the moral bar for Baba very high. When Amir arrives in Pakistan, he is distraught at the news he hears from Rahim Khan regarding Hassan being his half-brother and Baba’s son. Amir now knows, that the pain he felt from Baba’s resentment was purely a byproduct of the pain Baba feels about Hassan. Baba’s character takes a moral blow in the view of the reader, and to many it never recovers. After hearing of the news, Amir’s betrayal of Hassan is now very reminiscent of his father’s; showing more similarity between them than known before. Amir now knows, Baba’s resentment, was him showing he is too weak to be known as the man who slept with a Hazara. Baba tells Amir in chapter 3 that â€Å"there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. †(19) it’s ironic that Baba says this because he stole Ali’s honor, Amir’s right to a brother, and Hassan’s identity. While all the drastic self-realization of the characters was taking place, Hassan, managed to keep his same and ideal identity. Hassan was righteous and strong, the ideal symbol of the Muslim Religion and every other; to be pure and good. Amir’s resentment towards Hassan after his rape by Assef did not faze Hassan a bit. Hassan was almost too pure to feel any remorse towards Amir, they grew up together, and Amir was his best friend. Even after Amir had lied to Baba to expel Ali and Hassan from their home, Hassan felt no different towards them. He cared for their home while they resided in America; he even stayed in his and Ali’s same hut rather than the house to show respect. His loyalties to Amir and Baba stayed faithful until his death in the very home that he was practically raised in. He said he was caring for it for a friend, and the Taliban called him a liar like all Hazara’s, and killed him in the streets, as well as his wife. Amir might have made different choices in his life had he not plotted to make Hassan and Ali leave, but amidst the cowardice shown by both Amir and Baba, appeared a boy with the morals of an angel. No one can live life without realizing their true identity, and as the story ends; the characters take with them new traits, good or bad. Amir realizes his purpose in life, and he saved a life in the process of discovery of his own identity. Baba is reviled to be similar to a great dam with a crack, viewed as great and powerful, but in turn; the final view of him is weaker than the original opinion of the reader. Hassan through turmoil, conflict, and resentment, stayed true to himself and stayed loyal till his death. One could learn all there is to know, but without knowing their true identity, it is a life not lived.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hello, I Must Be Going: Why Improve Communication Technology? :: essays research papers

The interesting thing about the Internet is how it allows us to communicate. The problem with the Internet is how it allows us to communicate. Bear with me. The telephone. Look at a phone, there’ll be a phone quite close to you right now, so just sit and look at it. Admire its simplicity of design, and with that think what you can do with it. By just pressing the correct combination of numbers on this device you can talk to anybody, anywhere. Hell, forget correct, just bash them and see who you get. Isn’t it incredible? When you appreciate it without all you take for granted, for how people might complain and bitch about how they don’t get enough MTV channels that show the same videos, if you can just consider the phone for what it really is†¦ how monumental its ability, how pivotal it is to the world today – the blood veins of the changing earth. Its pretty god damn impressive. And as for mobile phones†¦well. Getting back to the Internet, I’m talking about communicating via computers. Now the Internet is a fine example of how mans efficiency improves a previous invention, like the new Gameboys requiring only two AAA batteries to run, while the first ones needed four AA’s. It’s a geeky analogy, but it decorates the point: using the same technologies as phones, we can now do a hell of a lot more with them. Now we’re well above surpassing the Shannon limit (maximum Kbps through a standard phone line) and new digital technologies allow us to send more, faster. Soon we’ll have optical connections, and then some. E-mail, now I like that. Instant letters, appearing in inboxes faster than it took you to write them. Again, bettering old technology, to use the hideous yet accurate term snail-mail. Royal Mail have just been running ads in Britain – ‘nothing gets through like a letter’. Now there’s a certain truth about that, as the advert states: â€Å"After all, you can’t re-read a phone call.† While that is true, you can re-read an e-mail. You can also print it. However I believe that, although the advert didn’t mention it – there’s something much more personal about a letter, it requires a little more effort to write and send. However I also believe that more people are finding it much harder to summon that effort, considering how much easier it is to e-mail.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bill of Rights Assignment

I started my assignment by really reading over the Bill of Rights and thinking really hard. It occurred to me that this was going to be a very tough assignment. Though I don’t think that a lot of the Amendments are upheld much anymore, such as freedom of speech, I could not think of any that needed to be removed or changed. So I started thinking about things that I thought should be added. It came to my attention that I shouldn’t try of think of things that should be added because of personal reasoning, but instead, things that seem to be aggravating a lot of people nowadays. I came up with three. The first thing I thought really needed to be added to the Bill of Rights was the right to marry any person of your choosing. Now I know that gay marriage is a really touchy subject for a lot of people but I feel like if you love someone it shouldn’t matter what gender they are. It seems to me that the only problem that there is with gay marriage being passed everywhere is that the churches do not allow it. Thomas Jefferson once sent a letter to the Danbury Baptist in 1802 stating â€Å"†¦ I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State†. I do not believe that the states should not grant people the right to marry whom they please simply because it is considered an abomination in the church. This is the 21st century and there are so many religions, people following so many different ones and then there are also people, like myself, that do not believe in a â€Å"God† or â€Å"Creator† or whatever you want to call it. Gay marriage is a choice just as big as a man and woman marrying and if two people make that decision they should be allowed to make it official. The second thing I came up with for the Bill of Rights is the right to not have to pay for illegal immigrant’s welfare or jailing via state or federal taxes. Are country is in a $14,136,022,715,367 deficit, approximately as of 2/2/11. It does not seem far that some of our money is going into paying for illegal aliens to be jumping the border and living off welfare or being imprisoned and we end up having to pay for them to stay in our prisons and keeping them alive and such. I feel that if a person does not have a green card or was not born into this country by someone who is a legal citizen, they should not be here, making money off us when our country is having a bad enough problem dealing with our own money issues. I’m no expert on finances or on morality but it just seems like it should be every person’s right to not have to pay for people who are in our country illegally. There is an astonishing amount of aliens in our country that live here and manage to con our government out of thousands if not millions of our hard earned money. And lastly, the third thing I could think of that should be in the Bill of Rights is our right to medical care. There are so many people in our country dying every day because they could not receive medical care because of lack of funds. I was recently almost added to the number of people without medical care. I have two kids, live in Connecticut, and my kids are currently temporarily living with their grandparents. Was forced into homelessness due to the economy’s lack of job availability in my area and had to make the decision to either bring myself and my children to a homeless shelter or let them go live with family while I went to a homeless shelter or a friend’s. When staying at a friend’s house didn’t work, I moved back in with my father and the state of Connecticut threatened to shut off my welfare. They shut off my food stamps because I’m living with my father and are under 22 and almost shut off my health insurance due to the same reasoning. Now, unlike a lot of people out there, I’m lucky in the fact that I don’t have a life threatening disease. But I still require doctor attention unless I want to end up either in a wheelchair, which without money; I wouldn’t be able to afford one and would have to second hand which is never a guaranteed thing. But the fact that our country can afford to be helping people in Africa, Haiti, everywhere around the world with disease but cannot afford to make it a constitutional right for its own citizens to receive medical care is just unacceptable. It seems to me that our country is more worried about everyone else’s health but its own. I think it’s time that they look at ours and make it a constitutional right. In conclusion, I have personal found that there is three things that our country absolutely needs in its Bill of Rights. As I’ve said, I’m no expert in any way possible, but I feel that if these three things were added, we could be even just a little more well off: The right to medical care; the right to not have to pay money via taxes for aliens; and the right to marry whom we please, regardless of gender. I know that there are many people out there that would not agree with me on these, but as the assignment was to write what I thought should be added, edited, or removed, these are my ideas. Hope you enjoyed reading.Reference

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Is Life worth living? Essay

A question that raises so much controversy that we have to venture deep into the depths of our own hearts to salvage the opinion of oneself. Despite every one of us knows that someday we will receive our final ultimatum, man as a race has always been in search of a resolution; a meaning to life. Because, when we look back, it disturbs one to think that in the end, nothing will matter. That all achievements, given time, will be forgotten, and buildings, given time, will be forgotten, and buildings, given time, will crumble to nothing but piles of dust and rubble. And even that eventually, your very own descendants, your family, will for get the forebearer of their name. After considering this, it once again brings back to my opening question; is life worth living? What is the significance of life, it’s purpose? Because after all, if all of us are to have no effect on the life of our descendants, to be forgotten, why should man even live? To the majority though, such a question has never really occurred to them, and if it has, the chances are that they forgot it through fear, disbelief, or just plain forgetfulness. However, to a small minority, the question demanded an answer. These people searched for the answer and were not confronted with fear like so many before them, but sorrow and sadness. This was due to the fact that had had a realisation. Man had become the head of the food chain and the talons of birds, using his great intelligence and strength. After having won all battles, he claimed the earth as his own and from here on in, was to determine what had been, and what was to become. Then, the realisation struck him: that he would die one day just like his father, and his father before him. He knew that the day would come when, his arms would become weak, his eyes dim and before long, sleep and never wake up.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Childhood Obesity Essay Example

Childhood Obesity Essay Example Childhood Obesity Essay Childhood Obesity Essay This research study is an excellent example of collaborative scholarly investigations which bring out amazing facts and reveal the significant reason, effects and probable solutions for a problem. After realising the magnitude of the prevalence of the childhood obesity, experts from across the nations decided to hold a meet in order to arrive at consensus towards the prevalence of the childhood obesity and chalk out future course of actions. This meet was held in the year 2004 in Israel where a group of 65 physicians and other health professionals representing nine countries from four continents convened to discuss and to discover the exactitude of the pervasive health crisis in childhood obesity. It is a well-known fact that the necessity of addressing this problem demands urgency and efficacy like never before. The prevalence of childhood obesity has reached alarming levels and if drastic measure are not taken, then there would be no wonder if obesity threatens the mankind like pandemics would threaten. Consider the following stats: Even though the definition of obesity varies, it is based on body mass index (BMI) cut-offs described hereafter. As many as 250 million people, or about 7% of the 2004 world population, were obese. Two to three times more people were overweight. In one of the most extreme examples, the prevalence of overweight doubled among children 6 –11 yr of age and tripled among those 12–17 yr of age in the United States between the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, conducted between 1976 and 1980, and the most recent such survey, conducted in 1999 and 2000. Approximately 14–15% of all 15 yr olds in the United States can be classified as obese (Phyllis W Speiser, et al. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism 90(3): P1871). 4. 6. 1: Causes The convention listed a number of reasons or causes for the childhood obesity. These causes include genetic reasons as well. The convention identified the genes which are important determinants of obesity. Here Monogenic Obesity is considered to due to the Leptin gene. This was the first specific gene recognized as important in human body weight control. This adipocyte hormone is involved in a complex circuit of hormones and neurotransmitters to control appetite. To date, several monogenic obesity syndromes have been identified, and most involve the leptin-melanocortin regulation pathway (Farooqi IS, Matarese G et al; 2002: J Clin Invest 110:1093–1103, Krude H et al, Acad Sci 994:233–239). Apart from these other causes as identified by the convention are: environmental reasons, endocrinological reasons and socio-psychological reasons. 4. 6. 2: Solutions Prevention: The scholars in the convention suggested preventive strategies in infancy and even prenatally. Since certain genes also influence the obesity in kids, the experts found it important to apply preventive strategies in the prenatal stage. Also, low birth weight (due to maternal under nutrition), smoking of parents, or placental insufficiency, or alternatively large size at birth attributable most often to GDM, may both be associated with obesity. (Bhargava SK et al; N Engl J Med 350:865–875; Hediger ML et al; Pediatrics 104:e33). The study also suggested already established general preventive measures such as keeping the children active, reducing the time spent in front of the television and avoiding the intake of junk food. This convention suggested encouragement for such conferences to chalk out long term goals to prevent childhood obesity.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The House of the Spirits Essay Example

The House of the Spirits Essay Example The House of the Spirits Essay The House of the Spirits Essay Illegitimacy has always been stigmatized in society, particularly throughout the nineteenth century. This is reflected in literature by characters who are portrayed using stereotypical features of illegitimacy like avidity, intensity or vehemence. The prejudice was that children who are conceived in lust and irresponsibility will result in more sensual and fiery personalities. I will base my study of illegitimate children in literature on the characters of Therese Raquin in Therese Raquin and Esteban Garcia in The House of the Spirits.To study the way in which the two authors portray illegitimacy, Esteban Garcia who is Esteban Truebas illegitimate grandson and Therese Raquin, who is also an illegitimate child, will be compared. Even though it can be argued that these two characters lived in completely different times and have personalities that differ greatly, their illegitimacy and the prejudice that surrounds it brings them together. Because of the stereotype that comes with children who are born outside of marriage, authors sometimes write characters who are particularly passionate, unstable emotionally or impulsive as illegitimate.Both Esteban and Therese have very intense personalities and they are particularly impulsive. In Estebans case, this is shown through violence and physical as well as psychological torture. For Therese, her true nature is shown through her strong sexual desires and extremely passionate lovemaking. In The House of the Spirits, Esteban Garcia is shown to have a sickening morbidity to him from a very early age. He leads Esteban Trueba to Pedro Tercero and after his grandfather has injured Pedros hand, Esteban Garcia: had picked up the sliced-off fingers and was holding them like a bouquet of bloody asparagusI vomited all over my boots while the boy smiled impassively.(p.240)The novelist shows us here how perverted the child is as a scene which makes the stoic Esteban Trueba sick, only gets a smile out of Esteban Garcia. In Therese Raquin however, even though Therese had always been an inflamed child and adolescent, she hid it from the people around her and acted as a rather apathetic person. It is once she meets Laurent and they become lovers that her true personality that had been dormant inside her is revealed: It was as though her face had been lit up from within and fire leaped from her flesh. Her boiling blood and taut nerves radiated warmth, something keen and penetrating. (p.63)This shows that even though Therese attempts to conceal her true self, it still comes out eventually. This is an example of determinism, no matter how much effort she puts into hiding her lustful personality, it will still be revealed as it is a part of her. Following the prejudice, children born outside of marriage werent considered to have full membership of society, also their social status cannot have been as important as legitimate children.As it was considered that illegitimate children were closer to animals than proper human beings, they were expected to be more prone to mental ilnesses or being emotionally unstable. Perhaps this was because being seen as an outsider brought on frustration and resent towards society. In The House of the Spirits, Esteban Garcia clearly demonstrates resent as he speaks of Alba as She embodied everything he would never have(p.328) :He, barefoot in the mud, swore that one day he would make her pay for her arrogance and avenge himself for his cursed bastard fate. (p.469) Esteban Garcia kept to his promise and later on tortured and sexually abused Alba for weeks. In Therese Raquin, this kind of lower status is also seen. The novelist sometimes describes Therese as he would a domestic animal. She sounds like a type of apathetic pet who lacks a soul and personality: She had always shown such passive obedience that her aunt and husband no longer bothered to ask her opinion. She went where they went, did what they did, without a word of complaint or reproach, without even appearing to notice that she was moving at all. (p.43)It is as though the Raquin family had adopted a wild beast and tamed it into a pet. Zola does however, reveal Thereses true impulsive nature by sudden outbursts. He emphasises these using a lot of animal imagery. This is again an example of determinism. At unexpected times, Therese uncontrollably lets her instinctual side show: One day he (Camille) gave her a push and knocked her over : she leaped to her feet like a wild beast and with face aflame and bloodshot eyes flew at him with both arms raised. (p.41)Events like these reinforce the portrayal of Therese as a wild spirit trapped inside a passive womans body. Comparably, in The House of the Spirits, Esteban Garcia is sometimes described using animal imagery and seen by other characters to have beast like features. Particularly Alba, who was inflicted by most of his violence and torture. After Esteban forcefully kissed her on her fourteenth birthday Alba is traumatized and even has nightmares: She told no one of that repulsive kiss or of the dreams that she had afterward, in which Garcia appeared as a green beast that tried to strangle her with his paws and asphyxiate her by shoving a slimy tentacle down her throat. (p.374)The way Alba sees Esteban Garcia only emphasises Allendes character as being particularly violent, repulsive and brutal. Therese and Estebans sexual attitude also reveals their instinctive, almost subhuman selves. They both have an enormous apetite for sex and prove to be near savage in practice. In The House of the Spirits, Esteban comes across as sadistic when he fantasises about Alba as she is sitting on his lap:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Geography and History of the Great Wall of China

Geography and History of the Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is not a continuous wall but is a collection of short walls that often follow the crest of hills on the southern edge of the Mongolian plain. The Great Wall of China, known as long Wall of 10,000 Li in China, extends about 8,850 kilometers (5,500 miles). Building the Great Wall of China A first set of walls, designed to keep Mongol nomads out of China, were built of earth and stones in wood frames during the Qin Dynasty (221 to 206 BCE). Some additions and modifications were made to these simple walls over the next millennium but the major construction of the modern walls began in the Ming Dynasty (1388 to 1644 CE). The Ming fortifications were established in new areas from the Qin walls. They were up to 25 feet (7.6 meters) high, 15 to 30 feet (4.6 to 9.1 meters) wide at the base, and from 9 to 12 feet (2.7 to 3.7 meters) wide at the top (wide enough for marching troops or wagons). At regular intervals, guard stations and watch towers were established. Since the Great Wall was discontinuous, Mongol invaders had no trouble breaching the wall by going around it, so the wall proved unsuccessful and was eventually abandoned. Additionally, a policy of mollification during the subsequent Ching Dynasty that sought to pacify the Mongol leaders through religious conversion also helped to limit the need for the Great Wall. Through Western contact with China from the 17th through 20th centuries, the legend of the Great Wall of China grew along with tourism to the wall. Restoration and rebuilding took place in the 20th century and in 1987 the Great Wall of China was made a World Heritage Site. Today, a portion of the Great Wall of China, about 50 miles (80 km) from Beijing, receives thousands of tourists each day. Can You See It From Outer Space or the Moon? For some reason, some urban legends tend to get started and never disappear. Many are familiar with the claim that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space or from the moon with the naked eye. This is simply not true. The myth of being able to see the Great Wall from space originated in Richard Halliburtons 1938 (long before humans saw the Earth from space) book Second Book of Marvels said that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from the moon. From a low orbit of the Earth, many artificial objects are visible, such as highways, ships in the sea, railroads, cities, fields of crops, and even some individual buildings. While at a low orbit, the Great Wall of China can certainly be seen from space, it is not unique in that regard. However, when leaving the Earths orbit and acquiring an altitude of more than a few thousand miles, no man-made objects are visible at all. NASA says, The Great Wall can barely be seen from the Shuttle, so it would not be possible to see it from the Moon with the naked eye. Thus, it would be tough to spot the Great Wall of China or any other object from the moon. Furthermore, from the moon, even the continents are barely visible. Regarding the origination of the story, Straight Dopes pundit Cecil Adams says, Nobody knows exactly where the story got started, although some think it was speculation by some bigshot during an after-dinner speech in the early days of the space program. NASA astronaut Alan Bean is quoted in Tom Burnams book More Misinformation... The only thing you can see from the moon is a beautiful sphere, mostly white (clouds), some blue (ocean), patches of yellow (deserts), and every once in a while some green vegetation. No man-made object is visible on this scale. In fact, when first leaving earths orbit and only a few thousand miles away, no man-made object is visible at that point either.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing Product Assessment--Maybelline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Product Assessment--Maybelline - Essay Example Soon the mascara was named Maybelline after the name â€Å"Maybel† given by her daughter to the lash mascara (L'Oreal). Two years later, the company produced the first of its kind mascara for everyday use which became an instant hit with the mass market. In 1996, the company’s headquarters moved to New York when it was acquired by L’Oreal (L'Oreal). Over the passage of time, the company hired celebrities as brand ambassadors, which again was an instant hit. In 1991, the company adopted the popular slogan â€Å"Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline† which continues to be its slogan to date (L'Oreal). Maybelline enjoys a strong presence in over 129 countries today and covers four broad location segments: North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania (L'Oreal). Maybelline stands at no.1 in the makeup brands category in its home country, the US. In the UK, it has acquired the second position, along with strong growth in Russia (L'Oreal). The company is expanding fast in all BRIC economies, and has managed to bag the top position in make-up brands in China in 2010 (L'Oreal). The company is struggling to penetrate through the Japanese market which has intense competition as far as the make-up category is concerned. Overall, the company registered a 13.3% growth in 2010 (L'Oreal). The company offers a variety of product lines related to cosmetics including face, eyes, lips, nails, brushes and accessories (Maybelline LLC.). Under the â€Å"face† product line, the company offers concealer, foundation, powder, blush and bronzer (Maybelline LLC.). Under the â€Å"eyes† category, it offers eye shadow, eye liner, brow liner and mascara (Maybelline LLC.). Under â€Å"lips† category, Maybelline offers lip color, lip gloss and lip liner (Maybelline LLC.). Under â€Å"nails† it offers nail color, whereas, under â€Å"brushes and accessories† it offers brushes, tweezers, curlers, combs, removers and false lashes (Maybelline LLC.). The product brand that is part of this paper is the Maybelline â€Å"Dream Matte Mousse Foundation† that falls under the â€Å"face† product line. The highest sales of Maybelline are generated by its â€Å"face† product line, followed by lips and then eye (L'Oreal). The Dream Matte Mousse Foundation fits well into the company’s product range since it offers customers the advantage of matte effect for perfect blending of foundation into their skin. It offers full coverage and it offers the added advantage of shine control. This product is the only one that offers two of the three finishes: matte and natural (Maybelline LLC.). Furthermore, this product provides a powder effect and combines the benefits of liquid and cake foundations. Other foundations by Maybelline offer a combination of matte, natural, luminous and shimmer finishes (Maybelline LLC.). Maybelline sells to the mass market and has major competitors such as Revl on, Covergirl and Avon pitted against it in this segment. As far as Avon is concerned, it has global representation in approximately more than 100 countries and is also headquartered in New York (Avon Products Inc.). Avon’s internal strengths are that it has a strong business model that allows it to differentiate itself against competitors. It also had been doing fairly well and has had a steady increase in revenue throughout history. However, the primary weakness is that the company has been facing declining operations in the North American region, primarily as it has not been able to pace up with fast changing customer trends in this region.

Clostridium Difficile Infection Prevention Essay

Clostridium Difficile Infection Prevention - Essay Example Health and social care facilities generate a challenging environment due to the operations undertaken on a daily basis. This environment poses as a perfect medium for transfer of the microorganisms from patient, equipment and staff. It is important to be vigilant at all times in these environments due to the vulnerability; pressure associated with opportunist pathogens and the intensity and complexity of health care environments (Angenent & Kelly, 2009). Patients with mild symptoms of c. diff may improve if they stop taking antibiotics. Those with severe symptoms need different antibiotic medication. When the severity suffered is intense, medics administer further therapy. Clostridium difficile is an infection of the colon by the bacterium. It causes colitis by producing toxins that damage the lining of the colon. The symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain. It can develop into severe complications, which include dehydration, rupture of the colon, and spread of infection s to the abdominal cavity or body. The most common cause of c. difficile colitis occurs in patients, in the hospitals, though a number of cases out of the hospital have increased. The choice of this topic in this research is influenced by the responsibility burden for social care facilities and health organizations as important pillars in curbing down c. difficile infections. As seen above, these environments are exposed to breeding grounds for the pathogens causing c. diff to grow and infect people easily.... Statistics show that hospitalized patients are more prone to the infection; however, it also affects healthy individuals. Every employee working under health departments has a key responsibility to ensure prevention and management of the infections. This responsibility covers entirely all health and social care organizations, regardless of the patient setting or care provider. Introduction of good health practices is geared towards prevention and management of infections related to pathogens that cause c. diff. There are many attributions to infection or diseases, for example, different microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and prions. These microorganisms result in a wide variety of infections (Beltrami, 2010). Such infections include urinary tract, wounds, respiratory, blood, bone and skin infections. To say that not all infections are transmissible will be in order; nonetheless, a majority of them such as influenza, clostridium difficile and norovirus can spread from on e person to another hence end up causing transmissible infections (Artel, 2011). Health and social care facilities should be made responsible for enhancing good health practices. Health and social care facilities generate a challenging environment due to the operations undertaken on a daily basis. This environment poses as a perfect medium for transfer of the microorganisms from patient, equipment and staff. It is important to be vigilant at all times in these environments due to the vulnerability; pressure associated with opportunist pathogens and the intensity and complexity of health care environments (Angenent & Kelly, 2009). Patients with mild symptoms of c. diff may improve if they stop taking antibiotics. Those with severe symptoms need different antibiotic medication. When

Friday, October 18, 2019

Judicial Decision Making Analysis Research Paper

Judicial Decision Making Analysis - Research Paper Example The West Virginia State School Board v Barnette is a case in point. The Supreme Court had ruled that states cannot compel students to salute the American flag. No punitive action whatsoever could be taken either against the students concerned or their parents/guardians. In fact, it was an overruling of an earlier decision in Minersville School District v Gobitis. â€Å"The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials† (as cited in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, 1943). The court decreed that it was essential to keep such subjects outside the influence of majorities so that numerical strength by way of legislation would not trample the rights of minorities. Similarly, administrative orders and decisions were open to arbitrary interpretations on the part of officials. These were not all-encompassing and were rigidly e nforced. Such decisions always left people with grievances. Legal Subculture Every profession breeds its own culture within the over-arching culture of a place. While culture by itself is a relative term, a similar work atmosphere creates common conditions which lead to common aspirations and also a common world view. Hence, a legal subculture develops which comprises all those involved in the judicial process. These include legal practitioners, students of law and the administrative support personnel involved. A prolonged interaction with law makes even the seekers of justice imbibe the nuances of law. Such seekers are known to become comfortable with legal jargon, which is derisively known as ‘legalese’ in common parlance. Hence, the influence of legal subculture on those who practise it is even greater. There is a constant exchange of ideas between people of the same profession which is also the case here. What prompted the ruling in this case (or the overruling of t he Minersville case) is also the effect of the legal subculture to an extent. No decision can be taken in isolation. Human factors when coupled with people in a similar environment lead to such rulings. That the earlier decision had been overturned shows the influence of the public on the legal sub-culture in this case. The figure six-to-three for the ruling was not arrived at the spur of the moment. It was only due to deliberations among the various judges that resulted in this ruling. The sub-culture is primarily responsible for the exchange of ideas among the Justices in this context. It must also be remembered that the three dissensions are also due to the same sub-culture which allows divergent views to manifest and coexist with the majority views. Judicial Background The Gobitis case had had a profound influence over the Barnette case. It can be said that it was a curtain raiser to what unfolded three years later. There had been a review by the judges examining the Barnette ca se in the light of the previous ruling. The court ruled that compelling school children to salute the flag was unconstitutional.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Court found that such a salute was a form of utterance and was a means of communicating ideas  Ã¢â‚¬Å" (The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago, Kent College of Law). The compulsory flag salute was in violation of the First Amendment which

Analyzing media used by presidential campaigns Term Paper

Analyzing media used by presidential campaigns - Term Paper Example Even with this, many critics often oversee the main underlying issues of any political campaign but, they target the appearances and characters of the politicians and the way the political ads are advertised. They claim that bad advertisement is the sole factor which demeans all the major issues that surround a political campaign. It is also said that the way a campaign is aired on television by the media has made a political event into a popularity contests and has the result of candidates becoming slaves to the voter's opinions and not its leaders. Advertising in all aspects is covered up by a one-liner which says that "the advertiser's product is a lot better and workable for the viewer as the competitor's products". To make a decision for or against this claim is up to how the viewer as to how they perceive it. It may not important what a certain person decides to buy for dinner after seeing the ads. But what that person, as a voter decides to vote may have huge far-reaching and consequential effects. "Advertisements are more important than debates and speeches in political campaigns" (Just, 1990). With the help of media, the general public becomes aware of the how’s, what’s, when’s, where, which ones, and whys of the political scenario of any political campaign. A sensible use of media can be used to teach the voter-of-tomorrow, to decide how, when and why to vote a certain politician appearing on the media screen. Humans are highly judgmental by nature, so it is very important as to how a politician is portrayed on the media, especially with regard to someone who is seeing the politician for the first time. As the saying goes "first impression is the last impression". The voter's and the public in general will decide if they want to vote for a certain politician in the first 20 seconds of seeing an advertisement of a political campaign. According to the U.S. the presidential race between ford and carter indicates the fact that carter' s image clearly shaped a better picture in their minds (1976). The reaction to ford's image played a major role (Oshagan, 1988). Media and candidate's use of media has very strong impressions on those who are about to make their decisions about voting for one candidate or the other (research on the Australian Elections). people who decide upon who they will vote, before a campaign starts are not moved by any forms of media campaigns as are those who have not yet decided. They are very much likely to be moved by the campaigns and are thus the main focus of any political media campaigns. These voters are referred to as the "undecided voters" and they more often than not refer to the media for information about all candidates and that too very near the elections so that they have a clear view of what is and what is not. The debate between the US presidential candidates, Nixon and Kennedy is often quoted in history as a very good example of a typical media political campaign. It is also claimed that the way both of them appeared on television and the personae they exuded was a big reason for Kennedy's ultimate victory in the end. Although here some people also debate over fact that the way the media portrayed the two candidates was perhaps not that justified in their losing or winning. (Vancil and Pendell, 1987). Even the debates over the presidential

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Responses to two memo discussion Module 3 Article

Responses to two memo discussion Module 3 - Article Example Because of this, organizations will be able to respond to various needs of the stakeholders without taking much time. Additionally, networking will save the company from frequent travelling since it will be able to share information as well as files with minimal time wastage. Therefore, the memo is on point on the benefits of networking an organization. This is in response to memo 2 titled, â€Å"Computer Networking Standards Recommendation† dated on June 26th, 2014. I agree with the memo that the increasing and the advancement of technologies are making it difficult for companies’ technicians to cope with emerging softwares. Therefore, the developments of companies that help organizations to integrate the softwares in managements is brilliant. Organizations don’t have to hire computer networking staffs every time they acquire a new system, but can use the automated systems from companies such as Cobit, Sam IT among others in understanding an organization and driving the values of the shareholders. They will offer support and on site and remote diagnostics which is essential for organizational

Organisation & Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Organisation & Behaviour - Essay Example een studied by taking into consideration a multinational company, namely Goldman Sachs and a domestic business based in UK, namely Carrington Carr Group. The ways in which organization behaviour have been able to influence the business performance of Goldman Sachs and Carrington Carr have been compared in this work. The leadership style and the motivational approaches followed in these companies have been studied to determine their impacts on the individual and group behaviour in the workplace. The role of technology in effective functioning of the business teams especially in case of wide spread business units have been studied in this work. Based on the comparative evaluation of the two organizations and the behaviour of their employees in the workplace, the key factors for influencing the organizational behaviour and long term value of the business has been recommended. The two organizations chosen for this discussion or organization and behaviour are Goldman Sachs and Carrington Carr Group. Carrington Carr Group is the domestic company that is based in UK while Goldman Sachs is the multinational company in the same industry that deals with the products of financial services, wealth management, investment and insurance. Goldman Sachs is a leading investment bank that provides financial services in the form of investment management and wealth management services to its clients and includes a wide range of products including mutual funds, asset portfolio with a mix of debt, equity, insurance products, etc. Goldman Sachs is headquartered in US with its business spread across various countries all over the world offering investment services and advisory services in the areas of wealth management, protection, etc. The organizational structure of Goldman Sachs reveals that the US based investment banker and financial advisor is governed by a Board of Directors that is headed by their Chairman and Chief Executive Officer with as many as 13 members in the Board. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Responses to two memo discussion Module 3 Article

Responses to two memo discussion Module 3 - Article Example Because of this, organizations will be able to respond to various needs of the stakeholders without taking much time. Additionally, networking will save the company from frequent travelling since it will be able to share information as well as files with minimal time wastage. Therefore, the memo is on point on the benefits of networking an organization. This is in response to memo 2 titled, â€Å"Computer Networking Standards Recommendation† dated on June 26th, 2014. I agree with the memo that the increasing and the advancement of technologies are making it difficult for companies’ technicians to cope with emerging softwares. Therefore, the developments of companies that help organizations to integrate the softwares in managements is brilliant. Organizations don’t have to hire computer networking staffs every time they acquire a new system, but can use the automated systems from companies such as Cobit, Sam IT among others in understanding an organization and driving the values of the shareholders. They will offer support and on site and remote diagnostics which is essential for organizational

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ebola virus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ebola virus - Essay Example Additionally, possible treatment methods and the structure of the virus will be discussed. The official name for Ebola is simply the Ebola virus. It is a viral type of infection and causes a disease called Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF). There are four, possibly five, identified strains of the virus and each one affects a sufferer differently (Williams, 1999). The virus originated in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan, and is named after the Ebola River Valley in the Congo (Williams, 1999). In 1976, the first recognized outbreak occured at a missionary hospital run by Flemish nuns. There were two strains of the virus that were documented at that time: Ebola-Sudan and Ebola-Zaire (EBOZ). These two strains had extremely high infection rates along with high mortality rates (53 percent and 88 percent respectively). At that time, the numbers of infected people only ranged in the hundreds, and as such, was not so well-known yet in the international community. It was not until 1989 t hat the disease became public knowledge after infected monkeys were imported from the Philippines into Reston, Virginia. This was the third strain of Ebola recognized and it was called Ebola-Reston (EBOR). These were the first cases of Ebola in the United States. Only a small number were infected, and fortunately, none of them ever developed Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF). ... The virus was named this after an outbreak of Ebola in Bundibugyo District, Uganda. The good news is that this strain of the virus was only short-lived. A couple of months after the discovery, it was confirmed by the Uganda Ministry of Health that the epidemic was over. There were only roughly a hundred cases of this strain of the virus, and of those infected, very few actually died from the disease compared to previous strains (39 deaths out of 116 cases – 34% mortality rate). The Ebola virus is typically transmitted by humans having close contact with a host, usually an infected animal (Williams, 1999). After this, the virus can be transmitted to others who come into contact with bodily fluids from the original infected person. Another way that it is transmitted between humans is through reused needles. Many experts believe that the chances of a new epidemic outbreak are low because initial infections usually occur in less populated areas. Additionally, because of the high r ates of fatalities, Ebola sufferers demise rapidly, thus preventing a wide number of people coming into contact with the affected Ebola sufferer. Originally, the Ebola virus was though to be transmitted from animals to humans. Scientists have a theory of how the virus goes through the transmission stage. It is thought that bats drop uneaten fruit, which animals such as gorillas and monkeys then go on to consume. This is an indirect way of transmission, starting out with the natural host, and then progressing to the animal population. It is very rare that a human catches the virus from the natural host or reservoirs (Williams, 1999). Specific outbreaks of Ebola can typically be linked to a simple case of a human touching a

Monday, October 14, 2019

Goals and Objectives Essay Example for Free

Goals and Objectives Essay Goal 1: Analyzing consumer awareness of health juice. Objectives: We will provide a clear idea regarding the customers awareness towards the health juice as well as towards different variety of fruits. The customers awareness to create a demand towards our product. Goal 2: Understanding the individual’s demographic profile of consumer. Objectives: The customer acceptance depends upon the knowledge for the variety fruit in the surrounding that they have gained their maturity level during growth of the age. The age factor is an important factor to know product demand for a particular age group. So, the interest can be made to motivate those age groups for buying our product. Goal 3: Identifying of influencing factor of purchase. Objectives: Based on our survey, some of the general reasons like variety of fruits, price, topping and packaging appearance will affected customers purchasing power. Thus, the influencing factor of purchasing power makes a producer understand the consumer’s need and services. Goal 4: Analyzing consumer buying behaviour and demand. Objectives: The buying behaviour of is an important parameter which consists of customer preference. The demand of this activity can be known from the customer’s buying pattern and parameters that he considers during buying a health juice like quantity, price, packaging appearance and delivery mode. The demand also depends upon some of the others factors like purchasing power population, promotion activities of product in this activity. Goal 5: Satisfying consumer’s benefit. Objectives: Customer is giving a wide choice of different fruits. We are providing a variety of different fruits for customer to choose. As sugary soft drinks are low in nutritional level, we can persuade the customer to recover our health juice which can satisfy their needs a healthy and long lasting energy drinks. So, customer will be evaluating the level of satisfaction that they received. All of the product will be priced fairly. Mission Our mission is to provide the highest-quality of health juice. We tend to attract customers through selling health juice. When we are adhering to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of the customers.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Wealth and How Money Influences Peoples Lives Essay -- Wealth Money F

Wealth and How Money Influences People's Lives Some people generate an adequate living working for others, some do quite well, while many people don’t do well. It is estimated that less than 16% of Canadians have more than $100,000 in their retirement funds while 38% have less than $10,000. Using money to make money is more likely to generate success. Using assets to generate wealth is likely to generate financial success. This is the principle in whihc my group is is based upon. Kiyosaki explains money does not calm your fears when desire forces you to spend. You have to avoid the trap. Rich people often have a fear of losing it all. A job is a short term solution to a long term problem. You must master the power of money. When the donkey drags the cart with the carrot on a stick in front of him, the driver is getting where he wants. For the donkey it’s an illusion. What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. To spend your life in fear and never exploring your dreams is cruel. Just as in my business of MJM Productions. Instead of looking at how much certain ventures will cost, we must look at the posibilities which will occur as a result of that venture. Money does not calm your fears when desire forces you to spend. You have to avoid the trap. Rich people often have a fear of losing it all. A job is a short term solution to a long term problem. You must master the power of money. When the donkey drags the cart with the carrot on a stick in front of him, the driver is getting where he wants. For the donkey it’s an illusion. What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. To spend your life in fear and never exploring your dreams is cruel. Just as in my business of MJM Productions. Instead of looking at how much certain ventures will cost, we must look at the posibilities which will occur as a result of that venture. Therefore it is essential that the accumulation of money does not blind me and my cohorts from our prime objective of empowering ourselves. Choose your thoughts. Think long-term and ask yourself: "Is this the best possible solution to my problem?" There is an old expression that "I am too busy working to make money." When you are too busy, you miss many opportunities. You often go into a restaurant and see a lot of things done wrong. Why can’t the manager see these things? Because he is too busy working IN the business ... ...before you pay any other bills. Then you will be motivated to find the money to pay all the other bills. Look after number one. Choose friends carefully. The power of association. Learn from all of them, whether they have money or not. When I seek out people who have money, I am not after their money but their ideas. Don’t listen to poor or frightened people. Wise investors buy an investment when it’s not popular. They know their profits are made when they buy, not when they sell. You become what you study. So, if you are tired of what you are doing and not making enough money, change the formula. This was a key factor in creating a sucessful business. Only by having co-workers which are dependable will ones business flourish. Be an "Indian Giver". Put your money into an investment and when it goes up, take your money back out and do the same again. If you buy some stocks and they go up in price, sell enough to get your original investment back and repeat the process. Assets buy luxuries. When the asset is generating surplus cash flow, then you use that surplus to buy the luxuries. Or in terms of this project, 50% goin towards a college education instead of luxuries.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Explore the ways in which two or three of these poems present the :: English Literature

Explore the ways in which two or three of these poems present the experience of living between two cultures and the difficulties it causes. The two poems I am choosing are "Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan" and "Search for My Tongue". "Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan" is written by Moniza Alvi, a woman who was born in Pakistan but moved to England at an early age. Her mother was from England and white, her Father was Pakistani and so black. This makes Moniza 'half-caste', as well as the aunts in poem being from her father's side. Her poem begins with a description of the gifts her aunts send her; "They sent me a salwar kameez peacock-blue, and another glistening like an orange split openà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦" The gifts are clothes in the typical Pakistani style, long tunic and loose trousers of blue and orange. Yet her indisposition towards the clothes is hinted at by her description of the first set of clothes. Peacock blue suggests that she feels like a peacock in them, showing off and flamboyant, something she doesn't want to be. They make her uncomfortable and self conscious. The next set of clothes show us the passage of time for Alvi with more clothes from her aunts. Yet as in England, and as she puts it, school, fashions change. The salwar bottoms are now broad and stiff then narrow towards the bottom. She tries on the clothes in sitting room, unwrapping them with her parents. She tries each one on and feels alien, as she puts is, to them. She doesn't' full reject them, but they are too exotic for her, too lovely for her. She acknowledges that they are pretty and acceptable clothes, but she cannot feel at ease in them. She longs for 'normal' clothes; "I longed for and corduroy." The clothes to her are a costume, something for other times, not now, "My costume clung to me and I was aflame, I couldn't rise out of this fire, half English, unlike Aunt Jamila." The clothes she is wearing are no doubt brightly coloured, perhaps like the orange ones from before. They seem like flames to her, and to others she presumes. They are too exotic, too foreign, and they draw too much attention. She cannot rise out of their flames; she cannot be seen through them. When people look at her wearing those, they will see the clothes, not a person. The clothes identify her as Pakistani, not English. That would be alright if she was sure of her own background, but she is not. By wearing those clothes her balance of ethnicity is thrown wildly askew. Explore the ways in which two or three of these poems present the :: English Literature Explore the ways in which two or three of these poems present the experience of living between two cultures and the difficulties it causes. The two poems I am choosing are "Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan" and "Search for My Tongue". "Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan" is written by Moniza Alvi, a woman who was born in Pakistan but moved to England at an early age. Her mother was from England and white, her Father was Pakistani and so black. This makes Moniza 'half-caste', as well as the aunts in poem being from her father's side. Her poem begins with a description of the gifts her aunts send her; "They sent me a salwar kameez peacock-blue, and another glistening like an orange split openà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦" The gifts are clothes in the typical Pakistani style, long tunic and loose trousers of blue and orange. Yet her indisposition towards the clothes is hinted at by her description of the first set of clothes. Peacock blue suggests that she feels like a peacock in them, showing off and flamboyant, something she doesn't want to be. They make her uncomfortable and self conscious. The next set of clothes show us the passage of time for Alvi with more clothes from her aunts. Yet as in England, and as she puts it, school, fashions change. The salwar bottoms are now broad and stiff then narrow towards the bottom. She tries on the clothes in sitting room, unwrapping them with her parents. She tries each one on and feels alien, as she puts is, to them. She doesn't' full reject them, but they are too exotic for her, too lovely for her. She acknowledges that they are pretty and acceptable clothes, but she cannot feel at ease in them. She longs for 'normal' clothes; "I longed for and corduroy." The clothes to her are a costume, something for other times, not now, "My costume clung to me and I was aflame, I couldn't rise out of this fire, half English, unlike Aunt Jamila." The clothes she is wearing are no doubt brightly coloured, perhaps like the orange ones from before. They seem like flames to her, and to others she presumes. They are too exotic, too foreign, and they draw too much attention. She cannot rise out of their flames; she cannot be seen through them. When people look at her wearing those, they will see the clothes, not a person. The clothes identify her as Pakistani, not English. That would be alright if she was sure of her own background, but she is not. By wearing those clothes her balance of ethnicity is thrown wildly askew.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Critical Reading Of Professional Literature

How do pesticides disrupt food chains? TWO: Review the homework by asking student volunteers to suggest ways one population's growth can lead to another population's disappearance during succession. ; Display a blank copy of a K-W-L Chart (ERE, p. GAP-8) on pollution. Have students individually complete the chart except for the L column. ; (Teacher Note: The K-W-L Chart will be completed during the Warm-up section of tomorrows lesson, so you may wish to collect it from students for safekeeping. SW: Organize the students in groups of 3-4, and ask each group to write down ways that pollution released into the environment might affect plants or animals in an ecosystem. Have students list as many possibilities as they can think of in five minutes Saba, Subs, cashed, cash, cashed, cash, cash How do populations grow and what factors limit population growth? TWO: Use Figure 4. 3 in GAL., p. 97, to explain how populations grow exponentially. ; Ask students why populations cannot continue to grow endlessly.Explain carrying capacity, using â€Å"Inside Story' in GAL., p. 98, to illustrate population growth patterns. ; Define and provide examples of limiting factors on populations. Explain that factors that limit one population in a community can also affect other populations (e. G. , populations in the same food chain). Teacher Note: See GAL., up. 68, 97, and 100-101, for examples of limiting factors. SW: Have students study the graph in Figure 4. 8 in GAL., p. 02, and suggest reasons the lynx and hare populations rise and fall together.Explain that population sizes can be controlled by interactions among organisms in a community, including predation, competition, and crowding. INSTRUCTION THURSDAY Saba, chubs, cashed-e, chubs, coaches, cashed How can you model the way ecologists determine the size of an animal population? TWO: Have students brainstorm (ERE, p. GAP-4) the following question for three minutes in groups of 4-5 students: If you had to count all of the squi rrels in a park, how would you do it? Have each group decide upon and present one method. Write a word or two on the board to describe each group's method.Briefly discuss the pros and cons of each idea with students. SW: Ask students to explain why electioneering is effective and to suggest ways that other species of animals (e. G. , owls, wolves) could be marked without harm for recapture. ; Have students answer questions #2-5 of the Analyze and Conclude questions in GAL., p. 109. FRIDAY TWO: Teacher will review limiting factors. SW: Students will be given a quiz on limiting factors. 10/1/12-10/5/12 Saba, CUBIC, Sub, Subs, cash, cash SECT: cells Why is water important? TWO: ; Explain the dependence of all organisms on water for survival. Sub) ; Describe how plants are adapted to use the capillary action of water to obtain ground water. (Subs) ; Read about the properties of water and relate them to organism survival in a graphic organizer. (Cash, Cash) SW: Have students select one o f the properties of water discussed in the text and write two or three sentences about how that property is vital for the survival of organisms. Encourage students to use an example that is not discussed in the text to support their claim. Saba, CUBIC, cash, cash How does the interaction of atoms drive life processes?TWO: Explain to students that atoms are the building blocks of all matter, including organisms. Discuss how atoms form compounds and that compounds interact in chemical reactions, upon which life processes depend. Remind students of the dissolving properties of water, emphasizing that a salt dissolving in water is a chemical reaction. SW: Think-pair-share: Water is a substance that is vital to the survival of organisms. List as many vocabulary terms from the lesson that can be applied to water as possible, and explain why each term fits. INSTRUCTION SIB b-c, cash-b, cash, cashHow does temperature affect the reaction rates of enzymes? TWO: Review the following terms: che mical reaction, substrate, product. ; DOD Shared Reading (ERE, p. GAP-12), explaining the action of enzymes using the example in GAL., p. 166. Emphasize the specificity of enzymes to specific substrates. Explain that chemical reactions require energy, and enzymes often lower the amount of energy required to carry out a chemical reaction. SW: Describe in a short paragraph the importance of digestive enzymes in the chemical breakdown of food, including an example of a digestive enzyme and its specific role in digestion.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

English Poem Analysis Essay

In this poem, Pablo Neruda is talking about life, and how he feels that it is an insignificant business. He talks about life after death, saying that nobody keeps what they have and says that life is nothing but a ‘borrowing of bones’. The best thing he claims to have learnt from life is that one should not have too much of either joy or sadness, but experience both in equal quantities. He feels that his being happy was a punishment, a condemnation that caused him to plunge into the sorrows of others, and to share with them their sorrow. He says that he did not do this for fame or for money, but because he could not live in the shadows, the shadows of other people. He says that we can heal our own wounds by weeping and singing, but in front of us lie thousands of others who are in constant suffering. He feels that his business on earth was to fulfil his spirit, the happiness he felt with the sum of all his actions. It gave him great joy to bathe in the sea under the sun, and in the very foam of the sea, his heart which lay dying was seeped into the sand. The poet makes use of immense imagery in all his works. There is no poem written by Pablo Neruda, which is lacking imagery. It is one of the most common literary devices used by the poet. And this is one such poem where he has used various kinds of imagery to illustrate his thoughts.

Genetically Modified Foods Essay

Introduction The world is slowly running out of food. Impoverished people have nowhere to turn. Biotechnology researchers think they have found a way to reverse the world famine. This way is through genetically modified foods which are foods that come from genetically engineered organisms. Examples of such organisms are sheep, cows, and fish. However, since it is a new invention, it is being met with harsh and legitimate concerns. While it may help the world’s food crisis, it may also do that at the expense of human health. Moreover, In the 90’s in the USA, the Food and Drug Administration decided that genetically modified food was safe and did not require special regulation. They stated that is was, â€Å"not inherently dangerous. † (FDA, 1998). This allowed genetically modified food such as soybean oils and tomatoes to enter the market. There are lots of ideas about the GMF. Some scientists say that it is no harmful affects of GMF and it may be a solution for scarcity of food and even it is healthy. However, some others say that GMFs are dangerous for public health. And It can damage biodiversity. Genetically modified foods may be a good solition to increase the amount of food. The problem is there are lots of people go to sleep hungry everyday and the number of hungry people is getting bigger. And International Food Policy Research Institute state there are â€Å"120 devoloping countries† which are very close to limit of hunger and â€Å"57 of which with a serious or worse hunger situation. †(Global Hunger Index, 7) The reason of this hunger is there is not enough food to feed them and because the world population is getting higher but the areas which use in farming are getting smaller. Farmers could not find suitable area to plant their crops. That is why, They have to find a different solution to be productive. Conko argues that biotech agriculture is the method by which we can increase agricultural productivity without resorting to increases in harmful chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. In the Genetic Modification it says that genetic modification provides a means to confer resistance to broad-spectrum herbicides into crops where current weed control is considered difficult. In this way, farmers can be more productive and they can get more product on their fields. â€Å"In the United States, in 2002 about 5. 5 million farmers in 145 nations were planting more than 145 million acres worth of GM crops. † (Conko) On the other hand, genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops might have a negative impact on biodiversity. Genetically Modified crops have an impact on birds and insect. A crop plant modified to be toxic to insect pests can have a direct harmful effect on non-target insects if they eat the plant. It can also have an indirect effect by reducing the insects that are a food source for other wildlife, such as farmland birds. Genetically Modified crops that are tolerant to herbicides could also lead to a reduction in weed populations that act as refuges for beneficial insects, and those that are eaten by birds. This process takes time because of this GM crops evaluate as a good solution but it can destroy the biological diversity. And US conservation organization Royal Society,founded in London In 1660 is a learned society for science, support it. They state that the likelihood of the spread of Genetically modified into the wild populations, the risk of superweeds being produced, the impact Genetically modified introductions might have on the colonies of micro organisms living in the soil and how such risks can be assesed and analysed. Also John Innes Centre, Founded in England is an independent centre for research and training in plant and microbial science, state that Monarch butterfly larvae fed only on leaves covered in pollen from Bt corn grew more slowly and suffered higher death rates and pink bollworm fed on cotton producing the Bt toxin. Aphids fed on Genetically Modified potatoes producing a different toxin were also reported to have a harmful effect on ladybirds feeding on the aphids. Genetically Modified crops can be beneficial for health in terms of their food value. Foods include lots of vitamins which are necessary to our body. In early days, our foods were full of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrate and they were occupied with value. However, now there are not enough foods which are full of value. Because there are lots of environmental factors like global warming which causes to summers takes long time, and scarcity of water, and also some pests. These factors effect the crops and farmers have to use pesticide and this cause to decrease food value. And it leads lots of health problems. And the one of the most important health problem is Vitamin A deficiency. This is the cause of at least â€Å"1 million childhood deaths† each year and is â€Å"considered the single most serious cause of blindness amongst children† in the developing countries. â€Å"A possible solution to this problem is the genetic modification of rice. † ( Potrykus, quoted inGenetic Modification) Although GM foods are benefical for the food value, in some circumstances, it can be very harmful for human health. Without too much control eating genetically modified food can be dangerous and it can lead lots of diseases like Eosonophil Myalgia Syndrome. In this debate, the Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology, is a website to educate the general public about genetic engineering in general and foods, revealed that After eating a food supplement produced by genetically engineered bacteria, â€Å"37 persons were killed 1500 people were permanently disabled† in the US in a disease called Eosonophil Myalgia Syndrome. It was caused by one or more extremely poisonous substances that unexpectdedly appeared in this food supplement. This accident confirms the predictions of molecular biologists that genetic engineering can cause the appearance of dangerous unexpected substances. As a Conclusion, there are lots of arguments in the GMF. Maybe It can be a solution for lots of problems, maybe it can be invention of the this century. I think, however, without too much researching about GMF we cannot use it to gain profit. Because human health is important than anything. We have to more careful. In the future, After very deep research about the GMF, we can solve the sustanibility problem. Works cited â€Å"Chapter 8: Genetic Modification. † Agricultural Pollution. 193-211. n. p. : Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books, 2002. Environment Complete. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. â€Å"Genetically Modified Plants and the Environment. † Royal Society Submission to the Government’s GM Science Rewiev. The Royal Society, 1 May 2003. Web. 31 Mar 2013. . â€Å"New evidence indicate that genetic engineering was the cause. † Most important news. PSRAST, 06 Jan 2007. Web. 31 Mar 2013. . U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page. Web. Conko, G. The benefits of biotech: as the world’s population grows, environmental stewardship will require science to find ways to produce more food on less land. Regulation, 26(1), pp. 20-25. Print. Spring 2003. Ringler, Claudia ,Rosegrant, Mark W. , Olofinbiyi, Tolulope, Wiesmann, Doris, Fritschel, Heidi, Badiane, Ousmane, Torero, Maximo, Yohannes, Yisehac, Thompson, Jennifer, von Oppeln, Constanze, Rahall, Joseph, Von Grebmer, Klaus, Claudia, Ringler Global Hunger Index. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2012. Print. â€Å"Impact of growing GM crops on biodiversity. † John Innes Centre. Norwich Research Park, n. d. Web. 18 Apr 2013.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Concert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Concert - Essay Example The band consists of 80 players, using instruments like First and Second Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Harp, Percussion, Timpani, Tuba, Bass, Trombone, Trumpet, Horn, Contrabassoon, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Clarinet, Cor Anglais, Oboe, Piccolo and Flute. French overture means opening and indicates the formation or introduction to a performance. An overture is normally in three parts (fast-slow-fast). The 1812 Overture was about the battles between Napoleon's French Army and the Russians. Within the piece, there is therefore the inclusion of anthems, gunfire and church bells. With a number of performers, who took up the upper deck and the lower space of the venue delivered an amazing performance which was met with not only appreciation, but also applause by the listeners. 5. The JOURNEY - The 1812 Overture is a classic that takes you through emotional up's and downs. Various instruments have been used to bring out this effect, a set of violins to bring out the lower and higher moods. Bass, bass clarinet, bassoon to depict drama and gunfire, trumpets to indicate rises and emotions, flute and piccolo to bring out calmness. The use of church bells to indicate the end. The overture follows a stereotypical format which is the fast-slow-fast and the composer has managed to show both the sides of the story, 2 marching armies whose troops were brimming with enthusiasm in defeating their enemy, thus motivated. The beginning of the clash between the 2 armies, the scenario of the war accompanied by gunshots, a drop in the music depicting a low mood or defeat and the end of a war signaled by the ringing of church bells. 6. Evaluation of the performers - The BBC National Orchestra of Wales is renowned for their performances with resident composer, Guto Puw delivering mind blowing original performances and pieces by other composers with immaculate brilliance. Grant Llewellyn, who is the music director of the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra and principal conductor of the Handel and Haydn Society is known for his exceptional charisma, energy and easy authority in music of all styles and periods. The performers who were 80 in number for this ensemble excluding the composers delivered an exceptional renderance of Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture deserving recognition and applause. 7. In-depth analysis of "one piece from the concert" For our analysis, we can choose the beginning of the composition. At approximately 4:00 minutes a drum roll comes on, and when

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) Term Paper

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) - Term Paper Example Furthermore, it supposes that the chromatographic column contains an infinite number of separate layers (theoretical plates). Separate equilibrations of the sample between the stationary and mobile phase occur in these layers. The analyte moves down the column by transfer of equilibrated mobile phase from one ‘plate’ to the next. There is a more convincing theory, ‘the rate theory.’ This theory depends on the speed of elution and thus speeds of diffusion of the dissolved particles. The analysis and application of this theory leads to the Van Deemter equation. This equation relates the variance per unit length of a separation column to the linear mobile phase velocity by considering several factors. They are physical, kinetic, and thermodynamic properties of a separation. The physical factors are such as; A) Eddy diffusion. B) Longitudinal diffusion C) Resistance to mass transfer It (chromatography) is thus seen to exploit the differences in partitioning beha vior between a mobile phase and a stationary phase to separate the components in a mixture. These components contained within a mixture may interact with the stationary phase based on charge, differing solubility or adsorption capability. Several terminologies are associated with the process of chromatography; a) The analyte- this is the substance to be separated during chromatography. b) Bonded phase- this is a stationary phase that is covalently bonded to the support particles or to the inside wall of the tube being utilized.. c) A chromatogram is the visual output of the chromatograph. d) The eluate is the mobile phase that is leaving the separation column. e) The eluent is the solvent that carries/dissolves the analyte. f) The immobilized phase is a stationary phase that is immobilized on the support particles, or on the inner wall of the column tubing. It is similar to the bonded phase g) The mobile phase is the phase that moves in a definite direction. h) The  solute  refe rs to the sample components in a solvent. i) The  solvent  refers to any substance capable of solubilizing another substance. This is important especially in the liquid mobile phase in liquid chromatography. Several methods of chromatography exist as well (singh). They include; 1) Chiral chromatography 2) Countercurrent chromatography 3) Pyrolysis gas chromatography 4) Simulated moving bed chromatography 5) Reversed phase chromatography 6) Two dimensional chromatography 7) Expanded bed adsorption chromatography 8) Size exclusion chromatography 9) Ion exchange chromatography 10) Supercritical fluid chromatography 11) FPLC The FPLC is the method of interest in this case. The FPLC method was developed and marketed in Sweden by the Pharmacia Company in 1982. It was originally called fast performance liquid chromatography. Principle of functioning The purpose of purifying proteins with FPLC is to deliver quantities of the target protein at sufficient purity. This is done in a way tha t ensures the protein is in a biologically active state to suit its further use. Furthermore this can mean pure enough that the biological activity of the target is retained. This high level of purity requires preliminary preparation of the sample. This is mostly by IEC. In most FPLC systems, there are two solvents/ buffers (A, B). There is also a resin that is chosen so that the protein of interest will bind to it by a charge interaction. When the sample and mix of buffer (100% A) and protein is introduced, the protein will bind to

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Visionary Idealism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Visionary Idealism - Essay Example For him, the process of artistic creation holds the potential of transcending the limitations of the mind and more fully expressing the divine spirit. He also believes that art can induce within the viewer an elevated state wherein spiritual states of being are attained (Grey). In this essay, I am going to cover a brief history of his life, the progression of his art and performances, where his art is displayed and has been used, and some positive and negative reviews of his works. My purpose is to critically critique Alex Grey's artistic style and vision. Alex Grey was born in Columbus, Ohio on November 29, 1953. Being the middle child of a middle-class couple, he strove to please his father by excelling in drawing. It was his father, who was a graphic designer, who saw in him his exceptional talent and encouraged his drawing ability. As a young child he would collect insects and dead animals from around the neighborhood and bury them in the back yard. From his earliest drawings to his performances, paintings and sculptures, the themes of death and transcendence have been woven throughout (Grey). During his teenage years he lived a solitary life in a world of his own imagination that could not be easily understood by others and did not give much concern to right or wrong. His art during that time shows how confused he was about himself, and about life and spirituality. It led him to express the tearing apart, the confusion, and the duality within his being. He attended the Columbus College of Art and Design for two years (1971-73), then dropped out and painted billboards in Ohio for a year (73-74) (Grey). He then attended the Boston Museum School for one year to study with the conceptual artist Jay Jaroslav (Grey). This is also where he met his wife Allyson, the artist. During this period he had a series of entheogenically induced mystical experiences that transformed his agnostic existentialism to a radical transcendentalism (Grey). He then spent five years at Harvard Medical School working in the Anatomy department studying the human body (Grey). As expected, the earlier works of Alex Grey (both drawing and painting) are simpler and more of self portrayal. His later works have shown maturity and complexity, moving out of self but still focusing on the human anatomy. What stuck out most about his early works is how talented and detailed his lines and features are, and how almost perfectly he has recreated himself in his visual arts. His later portrayal of himself reveals his own self realization and self actualization, revealing the inner struggles and duality of his inner being. He is able to show his audience what transpires within himself and the difficulties he has been going through as he is initiated into the growing complexity of his inner and outer world. In addition, his focus on the human eye in many of his works reveals an all-knowing existence of somebody, be it himself or God or any other important person in his life, which truly affects him and all of his life. One example is the "Vision Mission." The eye is placed above, which is believed as the vision, while the hand with the pointing finger below may stand for the mission. This drawing may have a spiritual implication and may have a much deeper meaning from what is actually shown. Moreover, his

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Critique about putting a hyper child under medication to make them Assignment

Critique about putting a hyper child under medication to make them calm - Assignment Example Daniel’s mother noticed that he was hyperactive when he became nine months old. Daniel’s mother noted a connection between certain foods and Daniel’s level of activity. At first, the doctors dismissed the connection between Daniel’s hyperactivity. Regardless, Daniel’s mother decided to conduct research and determine if diet contributes to hyperactivity. Currently, Daniel is a calm boy because his mother realized a diet that was suitable for him. Daniel’s story is a testament that there is no need put a hyperactive child on medication to keep him or her calm. It is well known that medication always comes with side effects regardless of its purpose. It is wrong to put a young child on medication just because it is difficult to deal with his or her hyperactivity. The drugs do not even treat the hyperactivity. They are meant keep them calm for a specific period. Subjecting a child to medication for a natural condition only predisposes them to many dangers associated with the different drugs provided for hyperactivity. Daniel’s success story is evidence that there are other ways to control hyperactivity children without having to put them through a lifetime of medication. In conclusion, no child deserves to be exposed to the potential side effects of the medication at a very tender age because of a natural condition. The dangers of getting used of drugs are much greater than the trouble that a hyperactive child creates. Therefore, parents should emulate what Daniel’s mother did. She found alternative ways to help hyperactive children without

Friday, October 4, 2019

Australia Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Australia Politics - Essay Example As a response to a process through which 'politics' itself is being redefined, cynicism has greater than before and the proportion of casual or swinging voters has augmented from around 5 per cent before 1972 to about 30 per cent in the premature 1990s (During, S. 2002, pp. 339-53). In other words, traditional allegiances and processes of political identification have been dissolving since the mid 1970s. The 'Australian Settlement' can be sight as embodying a political settlement, as well as financial and educational settlements. This political settlement took the form of the two-party system that came into being subsequent the fusion among the Free Traders and the Protectionists to generate a solitary liberal party in 1909. The fusion brought into being a simple Labor-non-Labor separation in Australian politics a split that was to characterise the nature of politics for the whole of the era of Modern Australia. Moreover, it was the 'Australian Settlement', which defined what politics was to be about in Modern Australia. As Ian Marsh has put it, the 'two party arrangement crystallised this pattern of politics and restricted the scope of government to the idea of Australia which was tacitly decided in the 1909 settlement'. It is worth recalling that at the time of the creation of the two-party system Australia possessed only limited cultural diversity. Most of the Australian population, except for a small elite, was educated to a primary level, which is not surprising given that the majority of them were employed in manual or semi-skilled occupations. The employment opportunities for women were equally restricted (Robert Murray, pp. 23). The politics created and definite by the two-party system reproduce the realities of Australian life, and the division among labour and capital was at the centre of that realism. It was likely for both parties to follow a national attention, as defined by the 'Australian Settlement', even as they differ over the precise form of that national interest (Fowler, H. and Wainwright, M. 2001, pp 337-339). Aim Our aim has been to show how literacy debates are fundamentally a contest of social visions and ideologies. The documentary history is about how community debates over literacy and teaching have been used to endorse dissimilar versions of suitable behaviour, and dissimilar visions of the ideal literate student and inhabitant. It effort For a succinct Australian account of this compass reading to past work, see Tyler and Johnson (1991). to explain the varied and rival images of the literate and uneducated, and of the causes and penalty of literacy and illiteracy, and offer an account of how and why literacy' came to matter in Australian educational and political Life. We will now talk about some of the insinuation and findings from the research, and propose how it continues to notify our labor on literacy formations and instructive politics. Scope No doubt, Australia's place in global trade turn out to be more shaky in the last quarter of the twentieth century. By the 1980s Australia was considerably less spirited in world terms, not capable to sell abroad goods and services in the quantities and at the prices wanted to sustain customary prosperity. Australia's exports grow year by year but not as fast or as gainfully as those of many additional countries, and its share of earth trade fell between 1953 and

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Essay Example for Free

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Essay I did not understand why I had to take a research class when all I wanted to do was be a staff nurse in a critical care unit. Research? Evidence-based practice? Why are these topics in the nursing program? I have enough to do just learning all the content in my clinical courses. What do research and evidence have to do with developing my nursing abilities? I trust the faculty, the textbooks, and clinical experience to prepare me for nursing. I’m already getting what I need to know. That was my earlier attitude. Now that I am practicing, I have a new appreciation for nursing research and the evidence it provides for application to practice. I have an entirely different way of addressing clinical questions. I’m starting to ask questions about how I can improve the care I give to patients and how I can be involved in my workplace’s efforts to improve care for the patients it serves. I have discovered by purposeful reading in my practice area that research reports and research summaries contain many implications that apply to practice in the critical care unit.  ¦ QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHILE READING THIS CHAPTER: 1 How can faculty encourage students to read research journals? 2 How does research affect nursing practice? 3 How can nurses motivate colleagues to base their practice on research? KEY TERMS Clinical nurse researcher (CNR) An advanced practice nurse who is doctorally prepared and directs and participates in clinical research. Clinical nurse specialist (CNS) An advanced practice nurse who provides direct care to clients and participates in health education and research. Clinical practice guideline (CPG) an evidence-based guide to clinical practice developed by experts in a particular ? eld for direct application in clinical environments. Control group Subjects in an experiment who do not receive the experimental treatment and whose performance provides a baseline against which the effects of the treatment can be measured. When a true experimental design is not used, this group is usually called a comparison group. Data collection The process of acquiring existing information or developing new information. 104 Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice CHAPTER 6 105 Empirical Having a foundation based on data gathered through the senses (e. g. , observation or experience) rather than purely through theorizing or logic. Ethnography A qualitative research method for the purpose of investigating cultures that involves data collection, description, and analysis of data to develop a theory of cultural behavior. Evidence-based practice The process of systematically ? nding, appraising, and using research ? ndings as the basis for clinical practice. Experimental design A design that includes randomization, a control group, and manipulation between or among variables to examine probability and causality among selected variables for the purpose of predicting and controlling phenomena. Generalizability The inference that ? ndings can be generalized from the sample to the entire population. Grant Proposal developed to seek research funding from private or public agencies. Grounded theory A qualitative research design used to collect and analyze data with the aim of developing theories grounded in real-world observations. This method is used to study a social process. Meta-analysis Quantitative merging of ? ndings from several studies to determine what is known about a phenomenon. Methodologic design A research design used to develop the validity and reliability of instruments that measure research concepts and variables. Naturalistic paradigm A holistic view of nature and the direction of science that guides qualitative research. Needs assessment A study in which the researcher collects data for estimating the needs of a group, usually for resource allocation. Phenomenology A qualitative research design that uses inductive descriptive methodology to describe the lived experiences of study participants. Pilot study A smaller version of a proposed study conducted to develop or re? ne methodology, such as treatment, instruments, or data collection process to be used in a larger study. Qualitative research A systematic, subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning. Quantitative research A formal, objective, systematic process used to describe and test relationships and examine cause-and-effect interactions among variables. Quasi-experimental research A type of quantitative research study design that lacks one of the components (randomization, control group, manipulation of one or more variables) of an experimental design. Randomization The assignment of subjects to treatment conditions in a random manner (determined by chance alone). Secondary analysis A research design in which data previously collected in another study are analyzed. State-of-the-science summary A merging of ? ndings from several studies concerning the same topic. Examples include meta-analysis with a quantitative approach and integrative review with a descriptive approach. Survey A nonexperimental research design that focuses on obtaining information regarding the status quo of a situation, often through direct questioning of participants. Triangulation The use of a variety of methods to collect data on the same concept. LEARNING OUTCOMES After studying this chapter, the reader will be able to: 1 Summarize major points in the evolution of nursing research in relation to contemporary nursing. 2 Evaluate the in? uence of nursing research on current nursing and health care practices. 3 Differentiate among nursing research methods. 4 Evaluate the quality of research studies using established criteria. 5 Participate in the research process. 6 Use research ? ndings to improve nursing practice. 106 UNIT ONE The Development of Nursing CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter provides basic knowledge regarding the research process and the ultimate importance of evidence-based nursing practice. The intent is to inspire an appreciation for nursing research and to show how it can improve nursing practice and how results can be translated into health policy. Nursing research is de? ned as a systematic approach used to examine phenomena important to nursing and nurses. A summary of major points in the evolution of nursing research in relation to contemporary nursing is presented. A description of private and public organizations that fund research is given, and their research priorities are listed. Major research designs are brie? y described, and examples of each are given. Nurses of all educational levels are encouraged to participate in and promote nursing research at varying degrees. The process of locating research and evidence for practice is reviewed. Students are introduced to the research process and guided in the process of critically appraising published research and research syntheses. Ethical issues related to research are examined, and historical examples of unethical research are given. The functions of the institutional review board (IRB) and the use of informed consent in protecting the rights of human subjects are emphasized. DEFINITION OF NURSING RESEARCH Research is a process of systematic inquiry or study to build knowledge in a discipline. The purpose of research is to develop an empirical body of knowledge for a discipline or profession. Speci? cally, research validates and re? nes existing knowledge and develops new knowledge (Burns and Grove, 2007). The results of research process provide a foundation on which practice decisions and behaviors are laid. Research results create a strong scienti? c base for nursing practice, especially when deliberately and carefully evaluated for application to speci? c clinical topics (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2005). In recent decades the nursing discipline has begun to pay much greater attention to the necessity of participating in research. Nursing research is a systematic approach used to examine phenomena important to nursing and nurses. Because nursing is a practice profession, it is important that clinical practice be based on scienti? c knowledge. Evidence generated by nursing research provides support for the quality and cost-effectiveness of nursing interventions. Thus recipients of health care—and particularly nursing care—reap bene? ts when nurses attend to research evidence and introduce change based on that evidence into nursing practice. The introduction of evidence-based change into the direct provision of nursing care may occur at the individual level of a particular nurse or at varied organizational or social levels. In addition to nursing research aimed at affecting the direct provision of nursing and health care to recipients of nursing care, nursing research also is needed to generate knowledge in areas that affect nursing care processes indirectly. Research within the realms of nursing education, nursing administration, health services, characteristics of nurses, and nursing roles provides evidence for effectively changing these supporting areas of nursing knowledge (Burns and Grove, 2007). Today the importance of nursing research to the discipline is recognized. However, much nursing history underlies the current state of acceptance. EVOLUTION OF NURSING RESEARCH Nursing research began with the work of Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War. After Florence Nightingale’s work, the pattern that nursing research followed was closely related to the problems confronting nurses. For example, nursing education was the focus of most research studies between 1900 and 1940. As more nurses received their education Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice CHAPTER 6 107 in a university setting, studies regarding student characteristics and satisfactions were conducted. As more nurses pursued a college education, staf? ng patterns in hospitals changed because students were not as readily available as when more students were enrolled in hospitalaf? liated diploma programs. During this period, researchers became interested in studying nurses. Questions such as what type of person enters nursing and how are nurses perceived by other groups guided research investigations. Teaching, administration, and curriculum were studies that dominated nursing research until the 1970s. By the 1970s more doctorally prepared nurses were conducting research, and there was a shift to studies that focused on the improvement of patient care. The 1980s brought nursing research to a new stage of development. There were many more quali? ed nurse researchers than ever, widespread availability of computers for collection and analysis of data, and a realization that research is a vital part of professional nursing (Polit and Beck, 2006). Nurse researchers began conducting studies based on the naturalistic paradigm. These studies were qualitative rather than quantitative. In addition, instead of conducting many small, unrelated research studies, teams of researchers, often interdisciplinary, began conducting programs of research to build bodies of knowledge related to speci? c topics, such as urinary incontinence, decubitus ulcers, pain, and quality of life. The 1990s brought increasing concern about health care reform, and now in the twenty-? rst century, research studies focus on important health care delivery issues, such as cost, quality, and access. Research ? ndings are being used increasingly as the basis for clinical decisions. Evidencebased practice (EBP) can be de? ned as the process of systematically ? nding, appraising, and using research ? ndings as a basis for making decisions about patient care. The rise of technology and the worldwide access and ? ow of information have transformed the decision-making processes of practitioners. Helpful informational websites for busy practitioners are listed in Box 6-1. No longer do nurses simply compare outcomes of patient care with other units in the B O X 6–1 Helpful Websites l f l b i National Guideline Clearinghouse—resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines www. guidelines. gov US Department of Veterans Affairs Clinical Practice Guidelines www. healthquality. va. gov AHRQ Healthcare Innovations Exchange—innovations and tools to improve health care www. innovations. ahrq. gov/index. aspx The Evidence-Based Medicine Education Center of Excellence—extensive list of databases, journals, and textbooks http://library. ncahec. net/ebm/pages/resources. htm U. S. National Institute for Health Consensus statements http://consensus. nih. gov Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing, based at University of York—United Kingdom www. york. ac. uk/healthsciences/centres/evidence/cebn. htm The Joanna Briggs Institute, based at Royal Adelaide Hospital and the University of Adelaide, Australia—multiple evidence resources for practice www. joannabriggs. edu. au Cochrane Center—resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines www. cochrane. org 108 UNIT ONE The Development of Nursing same hospital. Nurses and other health care professionals are more likely to look for solutions, choices, and outcomes for patients that represent the best available knowledge internationally (Hamer and Collinson, 2005). RESEARCH PRIORITIES Why set priorities for research in the nursing discipline? Can nurses do research in areas that match personal areas of interest? The answer to the second question is, yes, certainly. But nursing exists to provide high-quality nursing care to individuals in need of health-promoting, health-sustaining, and health-restoring strategies. The main outcome of research activity for a nurse is to eventually put the knowledge gained to work in health care delivery. Research priorities, often set by groups that fund research, encourage nurse researchers to invest effort and money into those areas of research likely to generate the most bene? t to recipients of care. Of course the funding opportunities offered by such groups do not hurt the research enterprise either. Research costs money. Thus nurses engaged in research often match personal interests with funding opportunities that are available during the planning phase for a proposed investigation. Two major sources of funding for nursing research are the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (formerly known as the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research [AHCPR] and reauthorized as AHRQ by Congress in 1999). Both of these organizations are funded by federal congressional appropriations. Private foundations and nursing organizations also provide funding for nursing research. National Institute of Nursing Research As part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the NINR supports research on the biologic and behavioral aspects of critical health problems that confront the nation. The NINR’s research focus encompasses â€Å"health promotion and disease prevention, quality of life, health disparities, and end-of-life† (NINR Strategic Plan 2006-2010, 2006). A small sampling of potentially supported research topics includes those aimed at: ? Determining disease risk and treatment through utilizing genetic information ? Determining effective health-promotion strategies for individuals, families, and communities ? Discovering approaches that encourage people to effectively take responsibility for symptom management and health promotion ? Assisting in identi? cation and effective management of symptoms related to acute and chronic disease ? Improving clinical settings in which care is provided ? Improving the quality of care giving in settings such as long-term care facilities, the home, and the community ? Understanding predisposition to disease, socioeconomic factors that in? uence health, and cultural health practices that either protect from or expose to risk for health problems ? Improving symptom management for those at end of life The areas of research emphasis published by the NINR are useful guides for investigators developing proposals but are not considered to be prescriptive in nature. Investigators bring to bear their own unique expertise and creativity when proposing research in harmony with NINR priority research areas. Annually the NINR conducts a roundtable discussion with multiple nursing organizations to obtain the feedback of the disciplines regarding the need for continued or new research Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice CHAPTER 6 109 emphases. Information obtained is used in setting future research agendas and making decisions about funding of proposals submitted by researchers (Of? ce of Science Policy and Public Liaison, NINR, 2009). The NINR website details current announcements regarding research priorities (www. ninr. nih. gov/ResearchAndFunding). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality The AHRQ broadly de? nes its mission as â€Å"improving the quality, safety, ef? ciency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans† (AHRQ, 2009a). As an agency of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, the AHRQ’s health-related aims are to reduce the risk of harm by promoting delivery of the best possible health care, improve health care outcomes by encouraging the use of evidence to make informed health care decisions, transform research into practice to facilitate wider access to effective health care services, and reduce unnecessary costs (AHRQ, 2009a). Since the inception of the agency in 1989, strategic goals have centered on supporting improvements in health outcomes, strengthening measurement of health care quality indicators, and fostering access to and cost-effectiveness of health care. The 1999 reauthorizing legislation expanded the role of the agency by directing the AHRQ to: ? Improve the quality of health care through scienti? c inquiry, dissemination of ? ndings, and facilitation of public access to information. ? Promote patient safety and reduce medical errors through scienti? c inquiry, building partnerships with health care providers, and establishment of centers for education and research on therapeutics (CERTs). ? Advance the use of information technology for coordinating patient care and conducting quality and outcomes research. ? Establish an of? ce on priority populations to ensure that the needs of low-income groups, minorities, women, children, the elderly, and individuals with special health care needs are addressed by the agency’s research efforts. The research-related activities of the AHRQ are quite varied, but a recent shift emphasizes a more deliberate translation of research evidence into practice. In a process similar to that used by the NIH, investigators are invited to submit research proposals for possible funding through grant announcements. A listing of current areas of the agency’s research interests can be found online at www. ahrq. gov/fund/portfolio. htm. The AHRQ actively promotes EBP, partially through the establishment of 14 EBP centers (EPCs) in the United States and Canada. EPCs conduct research on assigned clinical care topics and generate reports on the effectiveness of health care methodologies. Health care providers may then use the evidence in developing site-speci? c guidelines that direct clinical practice. AHRQ also actively maintains the National Guideline Clearinghouse (www. guidelines. gov), an website that makes available to health care professionals a wide array of clinical practice guidelines that may be considered in health care decision making. Another recent addition to AHRQ’s initiatives is the Healthcare Innovations Exchange (2009b), which provides a public source of information about innovations taking place in health care delivery. Submitted innovations are reviewed for the quality of achieved outcomes, providing evidence as a foundation for decision making by others who may be searching for or considering similar innovations. Although most AHRQ activities are intended to support health care professionals and institutions, the agency supports health care recipients by designing some information speci? cally for dissemination to the lay public (AHRQ, 2009a). 110 UNIT ONE The Development of Nursing Private Foundations Federal funding is available through the NIH and the AHRQ. However, because obtaining money for research is becoming increasingly competitive, voluntary foundations and private and community-based organizations should be investigated as possible funding sources. Many foundations and corporate direct-giving programs are interested in funding health care projects and research. Computer databases and guides to funding are available in local libraries. In addition, grant-seeking enterprises often purchase subscriptions that allow computer access to enhanced listings of funding foundations that include information about the types of projects those foundations typically fund. Though subscriptions are expensive, costs are often balanced by the ef? ciency with which suitable funding prospects are identi? ed. An example of such a service is Prospect Research Online (www. iwave. com). Private foundations, such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2009a, 2009b) or the W. K. Kellogg Foundation (2009), offer program funding for health-related research. Investigators should be encouraged to pursue funding for small projects through local sources or private foundations until a track record is established in research design and implementation. After several years of experience in the research arena, investigators are more likely to be successful in securing funding through federal sources, such as the NIH. Nursing Organizations Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), the American Nurses Association (ANA), and the Oncology Nurses Society (ONS), are a few of the nursing organizations that fund research studies. STTI makes research grant awards to increase scienti? c knowledge related to nursing practice. STTI supports creative interdisciplinary research and places importance on identifying â€Å"best practices† and benchmark innovations. Awards are made at the international and local chapter levels. The ANA awards small grants through the American Nurses Foundation. Specialty nursing organizations offer grants to support research related to their specialty. For example, the ONS awards grants that focus on issues related to oncology. To summarize, multiple potential sources of funding are available for research projects. The individual or group wishing to conduct research will need to carefully develop a proposal, search for a possible funding source, and submit the proposal. Libraries and the Internet provide ample information about the many foundations and organizations interested in funding research endeavors. Most research institutions establish of? ces that help in the search and procurement of funding. Thus researchers are supported in their work of knowledge building. COMPONENTS OF THE RESEARCH PROCESS The research process involves conceptualizing a research study, planning and implementing that study, and communicating the ? ndings. The process involves a logical ? ow as each step builds on the previous steps. These steps should be included in published research reports so that the reader has a basis for understanding and critiquing the study (Box 6-2). STUDY DESIGNS Study designs are plans that tell a researcher how data are to be collected, from whom data are to be collected, and how data will be analyzed to answer speci? c research questions. Research studies are classi? ed into two basic methods: quantitative and qualitative, two distinctly different approaches to conducting research. The researcher chooses the method based on the research question and the current level of knowledge about the phenomena and the problem to be studied. Quantitative research is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numeric